Multiple sclerosis meaning is a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by damage to the brain and messages sent and received. This message generally controls how the body works. Therefore, any damage can cause problems with vision, memory, balance and movement. It can also affect your ability to feel sensations, pain and vibrations.
The human body is served by a wide range of nervous systems that control the functions of the body. This nerve is protected by a fatty substance called myelin, which protects it from damage. If a person suffers from multiple sclerosis, the myelin is damaged, blocking the impulse of the brain.
Symptoms of multiple sclerosis
The first symptoms include loss of vision, loss of balance, weakness and numbness. Such symptoms are not universal for all patients. Some people have severe fatigue, while others are so affected that they can become paralysed.
The term sclerosis meaning refers to scars, and anyone who sees the brain or spinal cord tissue sees intense scars.
It is believed that damage to multiple sclerosis is due to an abnormal reaction to the infection. The immune system produces white blood cells that destroy dangerous bacteria or viruses. However, in multiple sclerosis, leukocytes attack healthy tissues such as myelin and nerve cells. This is called an autoimmune response.
What is the type of multiple sclerosis?
There are four main types of multiple sclerosis, and the severity of symptoms varies. These are:
Forward / Release (RRMS)
Secondary Progressive (SPMS)
Basic progressive
People with benign multiple sclerosis can sometimes be attacked, sometimes feeling perfectly healthy. Health exams do not have a mild or no disability, despite evidence of multiple sclerosis damage in the brain. The absence of a disorder is because the damage to the brain may not cause an obvious disorder or be in a place where the damage is minimal.
More than 50% of patients can start with relapse / multiple developmental cases of sclerosis and relapse 2-3 times a year with partial or complete recovery at different times. However, the gradual death of nerve cells and myelin can make symptoms worse and make them more frequent. Take this to the stage of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS).
In secondary progressive multiple sclerosis or SPMS, the disorder increases when there is a gradual loss of nerve cells. At this stage, the patient no longer has relapses and remissions, and the disorder gradually worsens.
Some people become increasingly disabled without experiencing relapses or remissions. This type of multiple sclerosis is called primary progressive multiple sclerosis.
How is it diagnosed?
Our body fights infections by making leukocytes, a natural fighter against diseases. But in patients with multiple sclerosis, these white blood cells attack the protective covering of nerve fibres (myelin). One of the tests to diagnose multiple sclerosis is a lumbar puncture. In this test, the cerebrospinal fluid is removed from the spine through hollow needles to check for signs of this disease.
Hidden signs of multiple sclerosis can also be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It uses a combination of radio waves and magnetic fields to provide a detailed view of the brain and spinal cord. You can use it to detect myelin lesions.
Treatment and perspective
Currently, multiple sclerosis is incurable, but research is being done worldwide to find a cure that slows the progression of this disease. Meanwhile, several options can support life more. Some doctors prescribe ACTH, a steroid that accelerates the healing action of the body. MS symptoms in men are also prescribed for this purpose.
There is no scientific evidence that a special diet is beneficial, but anecdotal evidence suggests that a gluten-free diet or a low-fat animal diet helps.
Many patients with multiple sclerosis seek alternative therapies to relieve their symptoms. This may include acupuncture, homeopathy and yoga.
Each person may have a different response, and multiple sclerosis has no cure, but the patient must find a positive lifestyle with this disease.